ink jet printer
Date Printing Machine
Date Printing Machine for easy operation
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Less maintenance.
Excellent print quality.
Date Printing Machine' new Videojet 1210 continuous inkjet printers are designed to keep your production line running longer.
Date Printing Machine is designed for customers who print six to eight hours a day, five days a week -- up to 18 months of production before preventive maintenance is required. -
Inkjet Date Coding Machine
Inkjet Date Coding Machine, suitable for printing any Chinese and English characters, Numbers, barcodes, special graphics, etc.
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Inkjet Date Coding Machine is designed with cartridge nozzle, which is dispensable with solution and ready to be sprayed after insertion.
Inkjet Date Coding Machine Directly edited and downloaded by the computer, the whole Chinese interface, easy to operate.With easy to carry the work bag, so that you can spray code anytime and anywhere.