Large bucket fully automatic servo automatic top tracking capping machine

Large bucket fully automatic servo automatic top tracking capping machine
- dongtaijixie
- 15
- 10
Large bucket fully automatic servo automatic top tracking capping machine
The capping machine has functions such as automatic filling, automatic capping, automatic dust collection and tightening, and automatic bottle picking. The capping machine has high production efficiency and stable and reliable operation. The sealing machine is an ideal capping equipment for industries such as liquids and lubricants.
Automatic lid cleaning
Optoelectronic automatic recognition, no need to replace accessories, adjustable track width suitable for various bottle caps
Servo controlled screw cap
After putting the bottle cap on the bottle mouth, screw on the tinplate cap in advance to ensure that the knob point of the bottle cap accurately enters the thread of the bottle mouth, and to ensure 100% vacuum and capping effect of the capping machine.
Adjustable capping head
Bottle type switching can save formulas and quickly switch specifications
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